Relocating For a Job- How To Make It Painless

Posted by in Career Advice

There comes a point in a job search when you feel like you are doing all that you can and you still haven't found any job opportunities in your area. If you feel like you are reaching a dead end, have you thought about relocating to find a job?

Even though we have reached a record 10% unemployment rate, fewer people than ever are looking across state lines to find a better job. With the help of the Internet, finding a job out of state is easier than every. Take a look at your professional and personal network to see what openings there may be in larger cities. Broadening your geographic range can show you possibilities you hadn't considered before.

Relocating for a job doesn't have to be hard. In fact, it can be a great adventure. Here are some tips that can help:

  • Talk to people who live there- Ask your friends and family if they know of anyone who lives in the city you want to move to. Contact those people and ask them what they think about the city and if they have any advice for someone who is planning to move there. They should be able to give you some great tips on areas to visit, where you would want to live and how best to use public transportation. Make friends with these people and ask them if they would be willing to meet you for coffee or something after your move. Knowing anyone in a new city will make things a whole lot easier.

  • Fill up your calendar- Schedule meetings and get-togethers with friends before you start to move. This way, when you arrive you will have some things to look forward to. Somehow, feeling like you have a purpose or something going on in the first week in a new city can make you feel like you belong.

  • Meet as many people as you can- This can be difficult in larger cities, but not impossible. Hang out at the local coffee shop or bookstore near your new place and pay attention to the people who shop there. Don't be afraid to chat with them and see if you can make a new acquaintance. If nothing else, you will start to feel at home in these places. When you can look at a local establishment and feel like you belong there it can help alleviate homesickness and loneliness.

  • Get a roommate- If you are single and moving to a large city, try to find a roommate rather than an apartment by yourself. This will give you some social outlet and you will be able to meet your roommate's friends as well. Another plus is that you can get to know the city before you settle in to an apartment of your own.

  • Find a group- In most cities you can find groups of people from your state who meet on a regular basis. These groups can help you feel connected to your hometown while you are getting used to your new city. Many colleges have alumni groups that meet in most major cities as well. So, do a little online investigation and find out where to meet these people.

  • Subscribe to a daily paper- Reading a local paper every day can help you learn a little about what is going on in the city. It can also be a great resource for finding out about local events and conferences that you might be interested in.

Relocating for a new job can be an exciting adventure. With a little bit of preparation, it can be painless and easy. Homesickness is hard but the best cure for it is getting involved in your new city.

Did you relocate for a job? What things did you do to make it easier? Let me know in the comments.

Are you looking for a new job in the Manhattan area? Take a look at ManhattanJobs.

By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer, along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.


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